Sex & Relationship Counselling

A collaborative kind of therapy

As well as having 17 years’ experience as a professional sensual masseur, I am also a diploma-trained psychosexual and relationship therapist, and an Imago Relationships Educator. I also have experience in NLP, Hypnotherapy and attained Level 2 in Co-Active Life Coaching.

Colin’s Approach

My qualifications, combined with my natural skills as a non-judgemental communicator and listener, means I can offer clients a safe place and a professional and down-to-earth approach to any sex or relationship issue. I see men and women, individually and as couples, including those in the midst of a life transition.

I describe the conversational support I give clients as sex & relationship coaching rather than counselling. I describe it as coaching because people can believe something has to be wrong to seek help and advice when this is not the case. I often clients who want to simply learn more about themselves, their sexuality and how to become more confident in relationships and to have the most fulfilling sex life they can have. Of course, I do also see people who have a situation or challenge they want to overcome or negative feelings they want to change, but in all cases, my style is a more a collaborative approach rathe than traditional psychosexual therapy.

I start by having an initial free 15 minute phone call with you to hear you explain the need or problem you have.  Following this you can decide if I am the right person to help you. If I am and you  ant to go ahead we set up the first appointment that can be face to face, on zoom or on the phone. It may be that one session is enough or you want want a series of sessions. During our sessions I offer you an opportunity to be totally open with your feelings.  I aim to help you understand why you feel the way you do and to become more clear on what is influencing your behaviour.  I then offer advice and strategies that can help you overcome these issues. Sometimes coaching is enough but sometimes the coaching can lead on to incorporate various forms of sensual bodywork. Sessions can be taken on an hourly or two-hourly basis, as a single one-off appointment or as a series of six.

Situations and issues where mentoring can help

Sexual performance: erection issues, premature ejaculation, inability to orgasm, fear of intimacy, sexual timidity.

What I have always wanted to ask but haven’t … better sexual knowledge.

Understanding my sexuality better – for example, married or straight but bi-curious.

Sexual and emotional exploration for couples: we want to have better a sex life.

Relationship breakdown: life after separation, divorce or affairs.

New relationships – getting it right this time: why do I always seem to go for the same type?

Old relationship, new spark: relighting the fire with a new perspective on your sensual and sexual relationship.

Three in a bed: can sexual adventures help our relationship?

Open relationships: don’t ask, don’t tell or open disclosure?

Relationship communication: how to say what I want sexually and emotionally.

Cross-nationality and cross-cultural relationships: better awareness of language and attitudes.

Sexuality and same-sex attraction: who am I sexually and how can I be the real me without destroying what I have already?

Click here for more information on:

Counselling  for Men

Counselling for Women

Counselling for Couples

For prices and payment [click here]

To make an enquiry [click here]

To book a treatment [click here]

To talk to, text/whats app Colin direct call 07966 522 696.

Relationship Conflict

Introductory 15 minutes FREE Call

It can be lonely when you feel unable to share your intimate thoughts about your sexuality or relationship and for some, it can be a daunting decision to come and see me to explore these feelings and needs.  But whether you are a man, a woman or a couple. Whether you are straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, bicurious, transgender, pan or polysexual or transsexual, if you are not sure how or if I can help you or maybe you are just too nervous to book a full appointment and want to know more details before you commit to anything then just send me a text and ask if you can have a 15-minute chat with me on the phone. I will reply by text with a suggested time to speak. In that time you can ask me any questions or explain the issue you may want help with. Just send me a text to arrange a short FREE chat to 07966 522 696 and i will reply with a suggested time for you to call.