Sensual Treatments for Women

all prices include 20% vat

Helping you understand, explore and experience your sexuality to its full potential

Enjoying a sensual massage enables you to experience your natural sexual arousal journey slowly and without conditions. An experience that can be enjoyed without judgment or expectation to give back that is totally focussed you, your body and your intimate pleasures. A time when your body and mind can relax to levels that can not be achieved in a regular sexual encounter to give you the ultimate self indulgent erotic experience. 

Sexual arousal is natures natural healer

Sex and sexuality are a part of women’s life. Aside from relationship and reproduction, sex is about intimacy, pleasure, good physical and mental health, and adventure. Sexual activity such as penile-vaginal intercourse or masturbation can offer many surprising benefits to all facets of your life, including the physical, intellectual, emotional, psychological, and social. However, both have conditions or limitations that can make the experience counterproductive. Taking a sensual massage that includes erotic stimulation to orgasm can provide benefits and pleasure without the need for penile penetration or the restrictions of masturbation. It can often achieve sensation and fulfilment that traditional sexual encounters can not reach.

To make an enquiry or ask a question – Click here


Private consulting rooms in Sloane Square Chelsea Central London SW1X 9DE

My private treatment venue is in a private gated courtyard, a one-minute walk from Sloane Square tube station and King’s Road. It has a stylish open-plan design created for the trendy Kings Road artists and musicians of the late 1960s. The treatment room is very private and quiet and has a modern walk-in shower with plenty of hot water. Towels, robes, a hair cover, and a hairdryer are provided.

Colin has been given 288 FIVE STAR REVIEWS

Click on the Ekomi review slider below to read the most recent unsolicited reviews given by past female clients

intimacy matters Reviews with

Sensual Massage Choices

Click on the images to read more about each massage 

Why take a sensual massage?

The perfect way to include sexual arousal in your life without complicating your relationships

Since 2005, I have worked as a Sex & Intimacy Engineer and Somatic Sexologist. I am also trained as a Psychosexual & Relationship Therapist and Imago Educator. In the nineteen years working in this field I have helped over 2000 women with their intimacy, sexual and relationship needs.

To achieve satisfying sexual fulfilment incorporates a synchronisation of both the physiological and psychological state of a person. It also can depend on the attitude, skills and creativity of others we may be with. For many women, one or more of these aspects can feel compromised, neglected, and often misunderstood. As a sex educator, I provide a safe, non-judgmental and confidential place for female clients to explore and learn more about their sexual selves in this way they can improve their own senses of sexual pleasure as well as inform and educate others about what works for them.

Good sex is also about physical and mental health

Sexual health is more than avoiding diseases and unplanned pregnancies. It’s also about recognizing that sex can be an essential part of your life, and though sex isn’t enough exercise on its own, it can be considered light exercise. Some of the benefits you can get from sex and erotic arousal include the following:

  • lowering blood pressure
  • burning calories
  • increasing heart health
  • strengthening muscles
  • reducing your risk of heart disease, stroke, and hypertension
  • increasing libido
  • Increased well being

People with active sex lives tend to exercise more frequently and have better dietary habits than those who are less sexually active. Physical fitness may also improve sexual performance overall.

How does sexual arousal benefit your mental health?

Sexual activity, with a partner or through masturbation, can provide significant psychological and emotional benefits. Like exercise, sex can help reduce stress and anxiety and increase happiness.

  • increased satisfaction with your mental health,
  • increased levels of trust, intimacy, and love in your relationships,
  • improved ability to perceive, identify, and express emotions,
  • lessened use of your immature psychological defence mechanism or the mental processes to reduce distress from emotional conflict

At an older age, sexual activity may affect your well-being and thinking ability. The research found that sexually active adults between 50 to 90 years old had better memory. They were also less likely to feel depressed and lonely.

Confidence booster

Frequent sexual activity can make you look younger, whether with a partner or alone. This is partially due to the release of estrogen during sex.

One study found a correlation between frequent sexual activity and looking significantly younger (between seven to 12 years younger). The majority of these individuals were also comfortable expressing their sexuality and sexual identity.

Consider which massage is best for you.

When choosing a sensual massage, you must consider your goals and objectives for the experience. If you’re new to starting on a journey of sexual discovery, it’s advisable to take things slow and explore different options. What you might imagine may not be the reality, so it’s essential to be mindful before booking your first sensual massage. Various types of sensual massages are available, so make sure you choose the one that’s right for you and your needs. This will help ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for you and your therapist. The choices are The Absolute Massage, The Exploration Massage or the least intense Intimacy Massage.

The above massages can also be taken as part of the 3-hour Psychosensual Treatment or within a Couples Experience. 

I am always available to discuss the massages in a FREE 15-minute phone call or text.

I see female clients of all ages, from 21 to 75/ but if under 21, I require age verification. I do not see any clients under 18 years of age.

I see clients of all ethnicities and body types, but be aware that some elements may have to be omitted for plus-size women.

Overcoming anorgasmia (challenges reaching orgasm)

‘Definition = Persistent inability to achieve orgasm despite responding to sexual stimulation.’

As a professionally trained psychosexual therapist and a masseur in my role as a sex engineer, I often use both counselling and massage as a treatment to help people with sexual performance challenges. I call this the Psychosensual Treatment.

By combining talk and touch, I first explore the psychological drivers causing the interference with sexual fulfilment. This is followed by a sensual massage in which I create a physical experience as near the normal sexual arousal process as possible. This treatment often has remarkable results, with clients sometimes overcoming a sexual performance blockage in one session.

It takes two

Often the level of pleasure a woman experiences sexually will be linked to the experience, capabilities and creativity of the man or woman she is with.  If he/she is inexperienced or unimaginative, then the foreplay and ultimate sexual pleasure will be limited, often resulting in partial or full anorgasmia (inability to orgasm ). This, in turn, can have a negative effect on the female, making her feel frustrated but often less of a woman, un desired and even affect mental health. Additionally, if a woman tends to be anxious during sex or even in day-to-day life, this will stop her from reaching orgasm.

Keep it calm

Anxiety's fight, flight or freeze characteristics are counterproductive to fulfilling sex. Simply put, we are not designed to hunt and fuck simultaneously. It is possible that this can all change in one sensual massage as the process of a massage that is intended to arouse replicates foreplay which is an essential ingredient for all females to experience before penetrative sex. The massage is given is a safe supporting place and creates sensations she may have never experienced before to show that complete sexual gratification does not necessarily require penis/vagina penetration. Read more about Anorgasmia   

To read more on how Psychosensual treatments and sensual can help women with challenges reaching orgasm,

If the video below does not play click here

Ask past clients questions at the Intimacy Matters Review - Women Only Telegram Chat Group.

I often hear from women who are considering taking a sensual massage that, although they are very interested in exploring this, they are concerned about safety, discretion, entitlement, and appropriateness and often hold back from taking the massage for weeks, sometimes months, even years.  With this in mind, I have set up a chat group on Telegram called IM Review Group For Women Only.  In this chat group are past female clients who have volunteered to answer any questions and are happy to pass on their thoughts and feelings about sensual massage and what it has done for them.

How to join

  1. If you don't have it already, download the Telegram chat app on your phone or computer -
  2. Or if you have Telegram, click on this link to go straight to the group IM Review Group For Women 
  3. Once in the group, feel free to ask any questions, and others will answer.
  4. If you require a private chat request to have a DM conversation.
  5. You can use a false name, and you don't need to give any personal details you don't want to
  6. Please include a small profile image of yourself to guarantee identity, as this is a women-only group, and men attempting to join will be blocked.
  7. If you do not want to add an image to your profile, please send an image by DM to Colin, who officiates the group.


Deposits for first-time clients’ bookings

If you are a first-time client and decide to book directly on my booking calendar, you will be asked to leave a deposit or credit card number to secure the booking. No money is taken, and I do not see the card number.

If you prefer not to do this, request a deposit link, and I will send one so you can pay a £50 advance deposit. This is deducted from your final payment after the appointment.

If you are concerned about confidentiality, I can provide bank details to deposit a cash deposit.

Treatments can be paid for by bank transfer, cash, card or direct debit.

For those on a budget, I can offer a ‘pay over six weeks option’ up to £700. Request by e-mail

Pay by Barter

In certain circumstances, I also offer an exchange (swap) for options see here.

Students discount

I am happy to consider a discount for students attending a bona fide university on a full-time course who are not employed full-time.   Discounts can be anything from 10% to 50%. The discount depends on my availability and if you can fit it into my quieter time slots or sometimes as a last-minute booking.

Those with low income 

I like to make my services available to everyone, so if you genuinely need to see me for help but your budget is limited, email me explaining your circumstances, and I will do my best to sort something out.

Make an enquiry - Click here

To book your appointment on line click on the book here image below.

Or you can call or text Colin at 0044 (0)7966 522696

To check Colin’s availability – Click here

About Colin - Somatic Sex Educator, Relationship Therapist & Sensual Masseur


I take a humanistic approach to sex and intimacy and see myself as a sex educator and general problem solver of sex and relationship needs and challenges. I aim to help people transform their relationships and sex lives into what they want and deserve. Working full-time in this field since 2005, I have discovered and used various approaches not generally covered by conventional methods to help people in this intimate part of their life. By combining my knowledge of sexual and relationship psychology with my experience as a sensual masseur, I can work with both the emotional and sexual.

All welcome

I work with single women, men and couples of any age and orientation.  To list a few of the more frequent aspects I help people with, they include; relationship conflict, finding the right partner, reawakening one’s sex life, sexual frustration, lack of sexual experience, sexual performance challenges (inability to orgasm, erectile issues), fear of sex, experiencing sexual complacency in a relationship, and particularly for women exploding libido or low libido. I created Intimacy Matters in 2012, and since then, I have helped over 6000 people in many aspects of their relationships and sexuality. My approach to sex and intimacy is best described as humanistic. I look at the biological, psychological, social, anthropological and erotic influences behind our sensual desires, curiosities and fears. I work with men, women, and couples of all sexual orientations. Read More

Interview with Rebecca Dakin - The Great British Sexpert

Rebecca visits Colin for her Absolute Massage treatment, and in this video, she discuses her experience.

The 4th Option

Sensual massage with erotic stimulation is a woman's 4th option.

Traditionally, sexual arousal is experienced by women in three primary ways:-

1. With a partner - intimacy is intimate, trusting, and caring.

2. With a stranger (one night stand) - this can be exciting, spontaneous, non-emotional and without commitment.

3. With self-masturbation - this is usually private; you know what you like, no judgement.

A sensual massage combines all three dynamics to create the 4th Option.

A sensual massage given by Colin is explicitly designed to allow a woman to explore her intimate life without judgement or expectation from others.  By submitting the treatment Authorisation & Request Form for whichever sensual massage she chooses to take, the massage can be tailored to her desires and boundaries. The experience is always professional, private, and of course, confidential. An expert experience is given by a practitioner who understands that when it comes to sexual fulfilment, a woman's mind and body are irrevocably interconnected.

What women say

As their motivation for enjoying a sensual & erotic massage

I have been giving sensual massage to women for ten years, and I have given this massage to women of ages 21 to 75 of many nationalities, ethnicities, body types and body sizes. Some of the women I see are happily single, some are reluctantly single, and many are partnered in loving yet sexually unfulfilling relationships. Others are in relationships where sex has become routine and predictable, and some are in good relationships but want more sexually. Many are from cultures that restrict their sensual and sexual expression, and a few are nervous and naive regarding both their and others' sensual arousal. When booking the appointment, they express a desire to enjoy a level of satisfaction they feel is currently missing from their lives.

 Reasons female clients have given Colin for wanting to have a sensual massage:

  • I enjoy a regular massage, to have my muscles worked professionally, but I also want to experience intimate touch to connect with the deeper primal, sensual part of myself.
  • I want to experience a sensual massage in '50 Shades of Grey' where the masseur is in complete control, and I can just lay back and enjoy his authority with the knowledge that I am ultimately in control of all that takes place. (Note: This type of sensual massage does not include any BDSM or role play but incorporates assertive massage and some physical body lifting - only in the case of clients with slim to average physiques - as well as strong arousal techniques.)
  • I enjoy the firm yet a tender touch of a man without the need to perform or give back sexually.
  • I enjoy receiving arousal and, ultimately, orgasm through gentle prolonged intimate touch rather than penetrative intercourse.
  • I have a loss of libido.
  • I fear intimacy and am embarrassed about my body but I still want to enjoy sensual arousal.
  • I experience painful intercourse and orgasmic dysfunction.
  • I am insecure and sexually inexperienced and want to learn more about my sexuality as well as how to give excellent sensual arousal to my partners.
  • I am a single woman who is happy not to be in a relationship, and although my sex life is good, I miss the intimacy and tender touch that a relationship brings.
  • I believe it is right to experience arousal and orgasm without commitment and the responsibilities of a relationship.
  • I want to explore orgasm as I have heard that a female can achieve this in multiple ways.
  • I am in a marriage/partnership where most else is good. Still, the sex and intimacy have declined and I need to receive intimate attention within a safe, professional therapeutic environment that is discreet and private that will not challenge my current situation.

Tantric massage versus sensual & erotic massage

The growth and popularity of sensual and erotic massage , were initially driven by men. Still, increasingly it is women that are discovering the physical and mental health benefits of this amazing treatment.   It is widely assumed that men seek sex as a means to satisfy their sexual drive but often, it is the physical intimacy that comes with sex that men are seeking just as much. If in a non-sexual relationship or a busy life that does not allow them to have a relationship, a man will seek out contact with another human being; in the past, this would have been found by visiting a brothel or seeing a prostitute or escort. Then in the late 1980s, tantric massage slipped oilily onto the westerner's menu; initially lauded by Sting of the pop group, The Police, it brought to notice the possibility that there could be a legitimate way to experience erotic arousal that was not smutty or indulgent but could be seen as a spiritual experience. As the word, 'tantric' crept further into the public psyche, men who previously had avoided the impersonal environment of sexual services began to explore the caring, sensual touch of a tantric masseur.

Then, around 2005 and emerging from the tantric world, masseurs like myself,  who, although supportive of the tantric philosophy, found it did not sit well as a description of how they wanted to present their version of an intimate arousing massage. Taking a more humanistic approach, sensual massage gave the option of receiving an intimate massage based on traditional massage techniques but also encouraged arousal and orgasm. The treatment focused on the body's natural desire for intimate touch and arousal; it gave the receiver an all-around experience that was relaxing and therapeutic, stimulating, and erotic.

To listen and watch Colin as he discusses and answers questions about his treatments, Click here

Cosmopolitan podcasts

Listen to Cee Cee & Colin talk to journalist Paisley Gilmore of Cosmo about the Absolute sensual massage for women.

Cee Cee took a series of sensual massage treatments with Colin; listen to this podcast with Paisley Gilmore, Cosmopolitan's Sex & Relationship journalist, as she explains how it has transformed her sexual confidence and sense of well-being.

Click here to read more about why women ask Colin to help them experience orgasm

Make a Booking or Enquiry

To enquire or to book an appointment with Colin:

Or you can call or text Colin at 0044 (0)7966 522696

To check Colin’s availability – Click here

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