Helping couples explore and enhance their sex lives

Intimacy Matters offers the best and mpst professional couples sensual massage in London

Increasingly couples are discussing the idea of expanding their sensual and sexual experiences. I see couples who have been together for some time and realise that now is the time to open their relationship to explore a different sexual dynamic. When we are teenagers, sex is about exploration and experimentation. When we meet a significant other, it becomes romantic sex. Then with the desire to have children, reproductive sex follows. However, often with the pressures of family life and the responsibilities of maintaining security, sex can become routine and, at worst, non-existent. But with this loss of sexual pleasure also is the loss of physical intimacy. So wait no longer come and enjoy the best couples sensual massage in London.

This is when a new sexual relationship between the couple needs to be discussed and explored. Sensual erotic intimacy and sex, in general, should and can become fun. It should also be recognised as beneficial to physical and mental health. So as a couple reaches this stage in a relationship or maybe starts with this awareness, taking a sensual massage together can be the perfect first step. Please take a look below at the choices, and I am sure there is a sensual massage that would suit you. If there are not, and you have other ideas, then tell me, and I will do my best to tailor the experience to your desires. So come to experience the best couples sensual massage London.

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Two reviews given by couples who recently explored sensual massage for the first time

A review of a Couples Watch & Enjoy Massage

Her massage – our massage. 

We write this as reassurance and encouragement for couples considering booking a Watch & Enjoy Massage with Colin and feeling a little apprehensive.

Having always enjoyed massage, and being keen on sensuality, we soon Googled Colin’s website and wondered if something was here for us.  We decided it would be best for just Ann to receive a massage so that all the sexual pressure was off for us as a couple.  Immediately there are a few issues.  Will Ann feel comfortable? How will I feel if Ann becomes aroused with another guy?  Will it damage our relationship?  What if things go further than we want?  As confident professionals, we decided to handle these things and give it a go. Colin responded helpfully to our enquiry and questions and recommended a 90-minute appointment.

Colin’s directions were excellent, and we were pleased to arrive in a nice part of the city.  Colin warmly greeted us and we immediately felt a sense of relief that the apartment was clean, bright and fresh smelling.  We had been prepared to walk out at the first hint of anything sleazy or dirty, and this was the exact opposite.  We all sat down for a brief chat, and when Colin could see we were comfortable, he led us through to the massage room with en-suite bathroom.  Colin left us so we could have some privacy and Ann could undress and shower.  As Ann undressed I whispered “are you going to be ok with this”, and she replied, “I think he knows what he’s doing”.  Ann climbed naked onto the table lay face down.  Colin came into the room holding a large towel in front of him and he covered her nudity leaving just her head and the tips of her shoulder.  The room was tidy and warm and the lights soft and low as Colin made a very unhurried start.  After a while I noticed Ann’s hips moving gently under the towel telling me that she was becoming aroused even though Colin was still working on her shoulders (how does he do that?).  I started to relax, realising that Ann was very comfortable and getting into this.  Colin did not move the towel away, only gradually until Ann was clearly comfortable and enjoying.

We had completed a little questionnaire beforehand so Colin knew our no go activities, what we thought we might be comfortable with, and what we were definitely keen on.  At no time did Colin cross any boundary and we found him trustworthy in this, which is very important to be able to relax. We had indicated that a certain amount of intimate contact was probably ok and Colin proceeded respectfully and appropriately.

So as Ann was led to heights of arousal and sensuality how did I feel as a husband sitting quietly in the corner?   Well, it was surprisingly a non-issue to have the masseur touching Ann intimately.  What I had not expected is what an aphrodisiac it would be.  

We showered again afterwards and headed into the West End for a meal and a classical concert. Later in our hotel, we made love passionately, and again in the morning.  Ann remained in an enhanced state of arousal and our union was exquisite.

Our advice to couples:  do not worry; you will be in good hands, go ahead and treat yourselves!

A review of a  Watch & Touch Experience Massage 

I just wanted to drop you a quick line to thank you for yesterday, we had Watch & Touch massage and it was truly a lovely time, Mxxxx was apprehensive, but you eased all of that, from the start and saying that it was all about her, that made her feel special and making us at ease so quickly by talking to us and being so friendly, plus having a little drink, she liked that you talked through things at the beginning of the massage and the idea about her squeezing your hand to let you know that she was ok with everything, she loved the towel being slowly removed, the feather and the scratcher, she also loved the hot oil and the whole experience, to the point that she would like to book again in the future, which is fantastic, it really couldn’t have gone any better.

To learn more about all the massages available to couples Click here

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