sensual massage classes for better sex

Individual Sensual Massage Training

For Singles & Couples

Tuition is given by Colin Richards, assisted by volunteer receivers

Unlock Ultimate Intimacy with Colin Richards at Intimacy Matters

Colin Richards at Intimacy Matters offers specialized sensual massage training for women, men, and couples. Our programs teach enhanced foreplay skills and advanced techniques that extend lovemaking and ensure orgasmic fulfillment.

Why Choose Colin?

Personalized Training – Tailored programs for women, men, and couples to meet your unique needs.

Enhanced Skills – Master techniques that heighten sensitivity, prolong intimacy and deliver deeper orgasms.

Versatile Benefits: Improve intimate experiences with any partner, boosting your confidence and satisfaction.

 Invest in Your Intimate Life

Experience expert guidance and customized learning with Colin Richards. Transform your intimate moments and become a more confident, skilled lover.

Book your session today and elevate your intimacy with Intimacy Matters.


Click on the relevant link below to read more about the particular type of class you want to take

Go to –  Men’s giving to Men Individual  Training

Go to – Men giving to Women Individual Training

Go to – Women’s giving to Men Individual Training

Go got – Women giving to Women Individual Training

Go to – Couples Individual Training

Chat with Colin to discuss your unique requirements.- click the image below

Training to suit your time and budget

The Experiential Session

This 2.5-hour introductory session offers a hands-on experience of sensual massage, perfect for beginners who wish to explore and enhance their foreplay skills.

The Foundation Training

This comprehensive six-hour training program delves deep into the art of sensual massage, providing an ideal opportunity for people to elevate their intimate skills to the next level. The training consists of two intensive modules, each lasting three hours, ensuring thorough practice and mastery of techniques.

1. Enhanced Relationship Intimacy

Deeper Connection

Learning and practising sensual massage can create a profound emotional and physical connection with your partner, enhancing intimacy and trust.

Improved Communication

The techniques taught encourage open communication about preferences and boundaries, fostering a more honest and fulfilling relationship.

2. Skill Development

Advanced Techniques

The training covers advanced sensual massage techniques, enabling givers to become more proficient and confident in their abilities.

Attention to Detail

By focusing on subtle and intricate massage methods, givers can learn to be more attentive and responsive to their partner’s needs.

3. Personal Growth

Increased Self-Awareness

Practicing these techniques can lead to greater self-awareness and understanding of one’s own body and sensations.

Stress Reduction

Sensual massage can be a powerful tool for reducing stress and promoting relaxation, benefiting overall well-being.

4. Flexibility in Learning

Tailored Pace

Whether you are experienced or a beginner, the structured modules allow you to progress comfortably, ensuring a solid foundation before moving to more advanced techniques.

Comprehensive Coverage

The six-hour duration ensures that many aspects of sensual massage are covered in detail,

Enhance Current Relationships

For those in a relationship, this training can reignite passion and introduce new dimensions of pleasure and connection.

Preparation for Future Relationships

If you are currently single or have limited experience, this training provides a valuable skill set that can enhance future intimate relationships.


Engaging in this sensual massage training offers a unique and enriching experience that goes beyond mere physical pleasure. It nurtures emotional bonds, boosts confidence, and contributes to overall personal development, making it a worthwhile investment for any man looking to enhance his intimate skills and relationship satisfaction.

The Intermediate Training

Elevate Your Skills to the Next Level

This advanced six-hour training program, divided into two intensive massage practice modules, is designed to build upon the foundational techniques learned in the initial course. Whether you choose to take this course immediately after completing the Foundation or at a later stage when you’re ready to advance to level two, this training introduces additional techniques and methods to ensure sexual fulfillment. It is perfect for the experienced lover who wants to elevate their intimate skills and become a formidable presence in the bedroom.

Course Structure

1. Two Intensive Modules

Module 1 – Focuses on advanced techniques that enhance and deepen the sensual massage experience.

Module 2 – Introduces new methods and practices designed to maximize pleasure and intimacy.

2. Flexible Timing

Immediate Progression

For those eager to continue their learning journey without pause

At Your Pace

Take the intermediate training when you feel ready to enhance your skills further.

Benefits for the Experienced Lover

Advanced Techniques & Expanded Skill Set

Learn and master additional techniques that go beyond the basics, allowing for a more varied and fulfilling intimate experience.

Precision and Expertise

Gain a deeper understanding of sensual massage, improving your ability to read and respond to your partner’s cues.

3. Increased Sexual Fulfillment

Enhanced Pleasure

The new methods and practices taught are designed to maximize pleasure for both partners.

Greater Satisfaction

Elevating your skills leads to a more satisfying sexual relationship, with a focus on mutual fulfillment.

4. Boosted Confidence

Command of Techniques

Becoming proficient in advanced sensual massage techniques boosts your confidence in your intimate abilities.

Self-Assured Lover

Confidence translates into becoming a more self-assured and attentive lover, enhancing your overall presence and performance.

5. Deepened Intimacy and Connection

Stronger Emotional Bond

Advanced techniques encourage a deeper emotional connection, fostering greater intimacy and trust.

Improved Communication

Learn to communicate more effectively about desires and boundaries, creating a more harmonious and enjoyable intimate relationship.

6. Personal Growth


Further exploration of sensual massage can lead to greater self-awareness and understanding of your own and your partner’s preferences.

Stress Reduction

Continued practice of sensual massage techniques promotes relaxation and stress relief, contributing to overall well-being.

 Ideal Candidate

Experienced Lovers –Those with a good grasp of basic techniques and looking to take their skills to the next level.

Ambitious Learners – Individuals eager to explore more sophisticated and fulfilling aspects of sensual massage.

Committed Partners – Couples wanting to deepen their connection and enhance their sexual relationship through advanced intimate practices.


The intermediate sensual massage training program is a vital step for those looking to expand their intimate skill set and enhance their sexual fulfilment. By introducing advanced techniques and methods, this training ensures that participants become more confident, attentive, and proficient lovers. Whether taken immediately after the Foundation or later, this training prepares you to become a sexual force to be reckoned with, enriching both personal growth and relationship satisfaction.

Combined Foundation & Intermediate Training

This 12-hour class, which, when booked as a whole, consists of all the above Foundation & Intermediate training but is offered at a reduced price 

The Combined Professional Training

This 26- or 29-hour intensive training program combines the Foundation and Intermediate courses with eleven additional hours of professional training and a session to film you giving your message for marketing purposes. This class also focuses on business structure, marketing strategy, and business setup, equipping participants to turn their passion into a professional career.

Safe & Discreet

Our trainings are designed to help you explore these dynamics in a safe and supportive environment. Whether you are motivated by sexual frustration, curiosity, a need for intimacy, muscle relief, or simply the desire to recharge, our massage classes promise to be among the best life experiences you will ever have.

All classes are held at the serene and well-equipped Intimacy Matters Treatment Venue in Chelsea, SW1X 9DE. However, I also offer home or hotel sessions upon request for those who prefer the comfort of their own space.


Click on the relevant link below to read more about the particular type of class you want to take

Go to –  Men’s giving to Men Individual  Training

Go to – Men giving to Women Individual Training

Go to – Women’s giving to Men Individual Training

Go got – Women giving to Women Individual Training

Go to – Couples Individual Training

Chat with Colin to discuss your unique requirements.- click the image below

sensual massage classes for better sex

Practical massage sessions

In the private training, single male or female students practice giving real responses to real volunteer models. Couples can practice on one another or learn to give to male or female volunteer receivers.

All classes include learning to give a full-body sensual massage. Depending on which class you select, it will consist of learning techniques in giving extended foreplay and specific sex play skills.

Dates & Times

Sessions can be arranged at a time that suits your schedule – day, evening, or weekend. Whatever your motivation, the training is tailored to your specific requirements, so when enquiring, please tell me what you want to learn and why.

sensual massage classes for better sex

sensual massage classes for better sex

Tailored to Your Needs

No matter what your motivation for taking a sensual massage class—whether it’s to explore your sexuality, improve intimacy in your relationship, or develop professional skills—I tailor each class to meet your specific requirements. When you inquire, please share what you want to learn and why. This information helps us customize the training to suit your goals and ensure you get the most out of your experience.

At Intimacy Matters, I aim to help you enhance your intimate connections and achieve greater pleasure and satisfaction. Whether you seek to enrich your personal life or pursue a professional path, our sensual massage classes provide the necessary knowledge and skills.

How learning to give a sensual massage has changed three people’s lives.

Since learning to give my partner a sensual massage my confidence as a lover has soared. I can now keep him on edge for hours and he says its the best he has ever had. – Layla

My wife says that she is now experiencing the best sex we have ever had in the 10-year marriage. I no longer am concerned about doing the wrong things and I just love watching her body respond to my confident touch. – Max

Its like magic! Now when I date, even when online when I mention that I have taken a training sensual massage the reaction is remarkable. Eight out of ten times things go in the right direction and if they say they don’t like sensual massage or I get no reaction then they are not the lover for me anyway. – Stellios

Buy Now Pay Later

  Take six weeks to pay for the treatment of your choice. 

Note: The Intermediate and Professional classes are recommended to be split into five-hour classes taken on separate agreed days over a week to 8 weeks

Additional benefits to the training

Likeminded Friends

After completing the training, you are invited to join the IM Workshops Telegram chat group. This lets you keep in touch with the volunteers and other sensual massage enthusiasts who have trained with me. It also helps you be updated on further training and practice evenings and sensual massage events and parties.

Intimate Tutorials online training videos

The  five and ten-hour workshops also include a month’s free membership to Colin’s online massage tutorial website Intimate Tutorials

The professional workshop includes three months of free membership to Intimate Tutorials and ongoing telephone business support.

Volunteers you practice on

If you are a single person, then the massage practice sessions are given to specially selected volunteer receivers of the gender of your choice. Couples can practice on one another or a volunteer receiver. The number of massage practice sessions and volunteer receivers you practice on depends on which length of the workshop is booked.

Cancellation of Training

You must pay a 50% deposit on booking for any of the above sensual massage classes. The balance of payment is due on the first day of the class. You can cancel up to three days ( 72 hours ) before the class, and you have these options

  • to receive back the full deposit.
  • transfer the class to another date

If cancelled within three days, you must either re-book another class date or lose your deposit. Do show up, you will lose your deposit and be expected to pay the total cost of the class.

Take out cancellation insurance.

To cover any cancellation, we recommend you seek a cancellation insurance policy For example.

Intimacy Matters Group Workshops

Colin runs group workshops and are primarily hosted in my venue or a hotel or private house venue that I may have booked for a weekend break workshop.

Click here to learn more

Professional training to become a career sensual masseur

Have you ever considered taking up sensual massage as a part-time or full-time profession? In the past five years, I have trained over 20 men and women to become professional sensual masseurs. It does not matter if you have not had any formal massage training as long as you have a love of touch and are comfortable with your sensuality and sexuality. Then, after 20 hours of condensed practical tuition, you could be enjoying earning an excellent second living.

Please read this article by AJ, who, in 2021, took 20 hours of Touch & Turn ON Professional Training and covered his initial cost within three months.- Click here


Colin Richards and Intimacy Matters have current Civil Liability Insurance (including Public/Products Liability and Professional Indemnity) that covers counselling services, and therapeutic and sensual massage.  Clients taking a sensual massage, a psychosenual massage or any form of sensual treatment or sensual massage classes that involves nudity, arousal, and erotic stimulation do so at their own risk. They will be asked to sign an acknowledgement and agreement form before taking the treatment or class. To read the full terms & conditions and insurance coverage, Click here

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